Business Growth Services
The Missouri Small Business & Technology Development Center (MO SBTDC) has partnered with the Edward Lowe Foundation and the City of Littleton CO director of Business and Industry Affairs Chris Gibbons, to introduce the Business Growth Services program (BGS) – a service for growing businesses to get the information they need to expand markets, increase revenue and grow strategically.
Although our general services for business help through the SBTDC are complimentary, these services do come with a fee. You will find this fee more affordable than if you priced the same services through other means.
These services are fulfilled by trained SBTDC counselors from around the state.
If your company has:
- Grown past the start-up phase, but is not yet fully mature, OR
- Reached $750,000 in total receipts and has 10 to 99 employees, OR
- Entered national and global markets that bring outside dollars to your community.
You could be one of the nation’s Stage Two (S2) companies that comprise 13% of U.S. Businesses, create 35% of all jobs and generate about 35.4% of all sales in the U.S.
Economic Gardening
Would you like to find more of your best customers? Economic gardening services help you understand your customer mix and enhance your marketing strategy to attract more of the right customers for your product or service.
Financial Analysis
How do you compare financially to your competition? We can tell you. Then, we can show you how to improve your company’s performance.
International Trade
Do you want to export but think it’s too complicated? Do you want to reach new international markets? Our specially trained team can assess your readiness to export, create an export plan, teach you the requirements for export and help you identify markets and export partners.
Succession Planning
What are your long-term plans for your business? Who will take over in your absence? What is your company worth? We can help you structure your business for that inevitable transition of ownership. Even if it will be many years before a change occurs, it’s best to start planning now to ensure your company can survive after you retire.
Human Resources
Do you struggle with recruiting, onboarding and retaining good employees? Do your employees struggle with basic workplace skills, such as communication, conflict resolution and customer service? Our human resources experts can help you put the right people in the right places, and teach your most valuable assets how to work together.
Management Assessments
How well does your management team perform? We offer QuikSMART, an assessment based on the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence that will examine your operations in seven key areas, including customer and market focus, strategic planning, process management, human resources, information and analysis, leadership and results.
Technology Development and Commercialization
Have you invented something, but have no idea how to get it patented or copyrighted? How do you know if anyone will buy it? Our specialists can help you assess the commercial viability of a product and assist with manufacturing contracts, intellectual property issues and presentations to investors.
Strategic Planning
Can you describe where you want your company to go and how you will know when you get there? Our experts facilitate a seven-session planning process that results in a plan you can use to drive improved performance.
Measure, Manage and Succeed – The Balanced Scorecard
Do you spend your day solving problems that never should have occurred? Are your employees busy with no noticeable results? The balanced scorecard is a measurement and management system that channels the energy and skill of your employees into the most productive activities to help you achieve your vision.
For more information on Stage Two Services:
Contact your local SBTDC center. A complete list of regional centers can be found on the Missouri Business website, Or call 573-884-1555. Or send an email to