Retail Business

Retail Business

Retail Businesses

Need help to get a new retail business started? You will find what you need here on this page to get you started in the right direction.

Steps to Help You Start Your Business


Specific Resources for Retail Establishments

Other than your business license, there are no professionally regulated licenses that you need if you are opening up a boutique, with items such as clothing and gifts.

However, if your retail store is selling food items, you may need to take a food safety class. The Adair County Health Department has a detailed list of who needs to take a course, depending on the type of food you sell. Some of these courses are offered online.

Location will be important decision. Business USA offers a variety of tools, and the U.S. Census Bureau's Business Builder Tool can help you make the right selection.  A searchable listing of available properties and sites is available at LocationOne.

We Are Here to Help!

Here in Kirksville, the City of Kirksville, the Kirksville Chamber of Commerce, Missouri Rural Enterprise & Innovation Center (MREIC), Kirksville Regional Economic Development, Incorporated (K-REDI) and the Small Business & Technology Development Center work together to serve the business community.


We encourage you to take advantage of free/reduced priced training and counseling services available here in northeastern Missouri, featuring resources to help prepare a business plan, secure financing, and more! Have a counselor contact you, or call 660-665-3348 to make an appointment.

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