Home Based Businesses

Home Business

Home Based Businesses

Do you have an idea for a home based business but need some help to get it going? This page will give you the steps you should take to get off in the right direction.

Steps to Help You Start Your Business

Specific Resources Your Home-Based Business

Are you looking to turn a hobby into a business? Or perhaps work out of your home in another capacity?

You may still need to have a business license from the city even if you live outside city limits. If you are selling your wares inside city or county limits, even if its just for a fair or show, you may need a temporary permit. And if you are conducting business in other towns or counties, you may have to have a business license (and health inspection if dealing in food) from each of those cities and counties you do business in. Check with the cities and counties to be sure.

If you are starting a home-based business, you will need good tax advice as well. Make sure you work with an accountant to determine what kinds of tax write-offs you can use.

We Are Here to Help!

Here in Kirksville, the City of Kirksville, the Kirksville Chamber of Commerce, Missouri Rural Enterprise & Innovation Center (MREIC), Kirksville Regional Economic Development, Incorporated (K-REDI) and the Small Business & Technology Development Center work together to serve the business community.


We encourage you to take advantage of free/reduced priced training and counseling services available here in northeastern Missouri, featuring resources to help prepare a business plan, secure financing, and more! Have a counselor contact you, or call 660-665-3348 to make an appointment.

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